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Nitrided screws and barrels

Screws and barrels are manufactured from 34CrAlNi7 (1.8550) imported from mainland Europe or 905M39 (EN41B) from the United Kingdom. These components are manufactured and the screws polished to a very stringent standard. Thereafter, the parts are Plasma (ion) Nitride hardened to between 1000 and 1200 Vickers (0.1 Hv), with a penetration of 0.4 – 0.5mm. 

Screws and barrels ranging from 19mm to 200mm in diameter with a length of up to 4.5m can be manufactured. The refurbishment programme includes a similar range of sizes, except screws with a diameter smaller than 30mm are usually not reconditioned.


Plastic and rubber process screws can be designed to suite any particular material. Our consultants are available to assist with any problem or design requirement.            

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Ø90 millimetre blow moulding screws & barrels                   CMT58 conical twin screws


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